
Willing and Eager Subjects in Training

Obama recently cautioned a group of graduating college kids that some of the arguments flowing to them via their "iPods and iPads and Xboxes and PlayStations" don't "rank all that high on the truth meter" and are threatening our democracy. One would hope that someone with even a little bit of healthy skepticism about the words spouted by popular figures, elected or not, would at least scratch their head about those statements, and wonder why the first president elected via Facebook "likes" and re-tweets would be calling out their high-tech gadgets and The Internets. Sadly, it looks like the poisonous mix of public, progressive education and a vacuous, charismatic Dear Leader onto which they can project their hopes and dreams has resulted in the perfect generation of young subjects for Obama. From a disturbing story on NPR this morning, "Opposite Of Radical: Today's Youth Trust Uncle Sam,"
A generation ago, young people vowed never to trust anyone over 30. But as it turns out, those under 30 today are actually more trusting of the government of all age groups, according to a survey by the Pew Research Center. "As of now, I trust the government," says Brittany Tucker, a poli-sci major at Northeastern University in Boston. "I feel like they are trying to do what's best for us and their constituents."
The nearly unquestioning optimism and trust practically gushes from the kids the reporter interviewed, no matter the slight qualifiers they give. Think of Obama giving a commencement speech in which he openly attacks free speech, and know that this is the mindset of the kids in the audience:
Like so many of her peers, Tucker was inspired to get into politics by the campaign of President Obama.

"It gives you hope, and that hope turns into trust in the government, because you believe that things can change — or like good things can happen," Tucker says.

Analysts say that "Obama-love" may be what's propping up young people's trust. Most under-30s supported Obama in 2008 and still do today.
It must be noted that the reporter, Tovia Smith, states that only 32% of under-30s answered the survey this way, but that is still a significant percentage. Smith also points out that "[p]olls going back to 1958 show that trust always begins to head south sometime after age 30." As people grow up and see how much is taken out of each paycheck, their attitude toward government changes. And yet, Smith and others speculate that "this generation may be different." They don't give a compelling reason why, but I have a theory. Progressive education, an inability to think in fundamental principles, and a lack of any understanding of individual rights has left these kids defenseless when presented with thinly disguised bullshit from someone with a pretty face and soothing voice. They don't just like the Hope 'n Change pablum, they believe it. They accept it on faith -- secular or religious -- because they neither respect nor know how to employ reason. And Obama and his lackeys know this, and use it to full advantage. In fact, they count on it. They are grooming the next generation of willing and eager subjects, and it's working quite well.


Unknown said...

What do you expect from a generation who believes in man made global warming?

I mean that immediately labels them as dupes.

...another thing I have noticed when I propose business ideas to young people is that often the first thing out of their mouth is

..."as long as it doesn't harm the environment"

which of course makes me want to puke.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow was I unable to essentialize my thoughts last night. I need to do some more thinking on the subject. I hope you don't mind I deleted my comment.

A random tidbit of the sad state of younger people today: In discussing what it means to be rational, a liberal in his younger twenties told me the proper definition is "whatever anyone chooses".

Anonymous said...

I was scrolling through your archives and noticed the classical music request post.

One of my favorite pieces, and one of the pieces that got me initially "hooked" on classical is Chopin's "Andante spianato et Grande Polonaise brillante". Best performance is by Peter Schmalfuss (8:45 timed version). It's on iTunes. One of the best parts is from the 4:25 mark through 5:00. Lots of great piano rolls and layers, very grand sound (as if something important and serious is happening), precisely layered--a true feat of melody.

A great violin piece is Tchaikovsky's "Chanson Sans Paroles". The best performance is by Itzhak Perlman (though the Artist is Samuel Sanders, who plays the accompanying piano). On iTunes as well. I get the image of an egoistic hero laughing in joyous reverence amidst a great struggle--a tinge of somberness, yet he knows he can't be defeated (and is in love with himself and his life regardless of the outcome) and only gives a brief moment to consider and laugh at the trivial before gaily brushing it from his thoughts.

And a larger body of good classical music is Chopin's Waltzes, No. 1 through 19. For $15ish they are on the album "Ultimate Chopin". Very fast and intense, yet joyously light.

C. August said...

Thanks for the classical music recommendations. I'll check those out. And feel free to post the comment on the original post. I don't turn off comments for old posts, and I still get notifications about all of them.